Monday, November 2, 2015

Transfers and I'm Staying Put!

Hello everyone! 

This past week was great and we had a lot of fun. We got to meet with Ahamadou and Tomoko (our Miracle couple) a few times and even got to meet with her little brothers for the Halloween party! I know that I have talked about them before--I met them on the street about a month and a half ago. They have both joyfully received parts of the gospel, but they both have a few problems that they have to overcome. Ahamadou's dad is Muslim and has forbidden him from getting baptized. The catch is that his dad lives in Sierra Leone and hasn't seen his son for the last 19 of his 21-year long life. Tomoko's family is big but her parents are not around very often. As the oldest it falls on her to keep all of her siblings alive and clean and happy. I think going to our recent Halloween party was a good chance to help Tomoko feel more comfortable with introducing us to her family. It also helped them meet a lot more members. They also made it out to church yesterday. We had a couple lessons with them over the course of the week as well. Elder Burton, an elder in my zone, and I taught them the plan of salvation along with eternal families and temples. The idea of eternal families is attractive to them. They want to get married, but have no idea how to do it. You know what would be cool? Is if y'all were to write them letters! They would love it! You could share testimonies of what the gospel has meant in your lives and the blessings it has brought! Even if it is in English I could translate it! Or you could have someone there translate it! Either would be great!

We got transfer calls! I will be staying and my beloved Elder Cook will be headed to my old stomping grounds in Kanagawa! I will miss him! I'm kind of jealous--it's such a great area--but in his place will be an elder that I used to live with! His name is Maurer and he is from Australia! I will attach a picture of us. We will have transfers this Thursday. I'm excited for the changes and the week ahead!

I gotta go but hey, I love y'all!

Elder Sterling Siebach
Elder Maurer and I

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