Hello everyone!
I hope you're having sweet dreams right now! This week was pretty tough! I feel like I was sitting on my butt for a lot of it (which is never a good feeling) and it turns out I was! We had a lot of meetings to attend! But hey now Zone Conference and MLC are over with! President Wada has gone around the mission unveiling some big changes in the way we dendo and teach. This way is a lot more focused on teaching and baptism! I am really excited to see how the mission changes from here! I was also informed by Mom that my year and a half mark passed a couple weeks ago. That wasn't very exciting! I figured by this point I would have everything figured out, but I still feel like a trainee!
This week we found and taught a bunch of new investigators and invited a bunch of people to be baptized! No one said no and one made a date! He is from China and really wants to get baptized on the 26th of December! That is exciting!
This week we had a lot of meetings and so there were lots of opportunities to receive some solid revelation for myself, my investigators, and the Zone!
Other than that, the other Elders in my apartment continue to be lazy and disobedient. They get distracted by their own desires and forget about their investigators, many of whom need a LOT of help to reach their baptismal dates. I feel like I have tried everything to help them, but they don't listen and/or get angry whenever I try. I am not sure what to do, but the relationship between our companionships is severely strained and the atmosphere in the apartment and when we are together is no good. I am sure that both of them would love to see me go!
One scripture that I found recently that has a lot to do with my thoughts about obedience and what needs to happen in my apartment is
3 Nephi 27:13. It says,
"13 Behold I have given unto you my gospel, and this is the gospel which I have given unto you--that I came into the world to do the will of my Father, because my Father sent me."
When I read that scripture the very last phrase sunk deep into my heart. "...because my father sent me." Something that Christ says about himself a lot is that he was obedient to everything that the Father would have him do. To introduce himself to the Nephites he says,
"...I have drunk out of that bitter cup
which the Father hath given me, and have glorified the Father in taking upon me the sins of the world, in the which
I have suffered the will of the Father in all things from the beginning." -
3 Nephi 11:11
He was perfectly obedient, but in that first scripture (3 Nephi 27:13) he explains a little bit about why he is obedient and what his purpose is. He came and did the Father's will because he was sent by the Father. He did what the Father told him, not because he was there for the purpose of doing what he wanted, but what the Father wanted. Usually you don't send people places without something that you want them to do. Likewise, we are all here because God sent us here. We are not here to do what we want, but what the Father wants. Missionaries have all been called to their mission and their specific area and companion to do what God would have them do. On a wider scale, everyone alive has been sent by God from the Spirit World to this earth, and because He sent us, we are to do His will. I love that simple logic that Christ uses.
The Japanese word for angel is tenshi (天使) which means heaven (天) and "to send on a mission", messenger, envoy, ambassador (使). An angel, while it has the image of a shining white dude with wings, is literally something sent on a mission from heaven. Is this not all of us? Have we not all been sent from our heavenly home with a purpose? That purpose is written in the scriptures and can be known through prayer and study. For a missionary, it is also written clearly in the white handbook.
We are all sent from the Loving arms of our Heavenly Father, by Him, to accomplish a wonderful work. We are all to be doing the work of angels. Should we not do it? After all, we were sent by God.
Those are my thoughts! I love you all! Sweet Dreams!
Elder Siebach
P.p.s. We are allowed to skype for 45 minutes on the 24, 25, or 26. Currently I don't have any plans for those days besides a baptism on the 26th! Let me know what works best and we can begin coordinating schedules and time differences!